Purchase of the DVD or Video Tape means licensed (leased) for the life of the physical DVD or Video Tape received by the customer. All Videos and DVDs are licensed with the condition that they are restricted to individuals for personal home Video Tape and DVD use only (K-12 grade schools and non-profit community organizations not affiliated with colleges or universities inquire for special licensing terms). There are no public performance rights included. Video Tapes and DVDs cannot be rented out, loaned for a fee, sub-licensed or sub-leased, copied in anyway known now or in the future, altered, broadcast on television, cable, or closed circuit, uploaded, digitized, streamed and transmitted or shown over the internet in any way, used for distance or online education -- without the express written permission of Richard Cohen and Richard Cohen Films
To contact Richard Cohen email: rbc24@earthlink.net Check website for current contacts.
All sales are final. Prices are subject to change. Terms of use apply to all persons who purchase or come into possession of this Video Tape or DVD. Inquire for written permission to screen the Video Tape or DVD for other purposes such as fundraisers.